Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mekaster becomes Industry Partner to NAM S & T

Press Release


New Delhi May 23, 2008 The Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) has selected Mekaster , a private industrial unit as its network member for promoting Science & Technology for the first time.

NAM S &T centre was set up in 1989 as an inter-governmental organization in pursuance of the decisions taken at various Summits of the Heads of State or Government of the Non-aligned Movement countries. Forty one developing countries represented by their government departments / ministries and agencies dealing with science and technology have so far joined the Centre as its member.

Mekaster group headed by its Chairman V.M. Trehan has been playing major role in the development and propagating the cause of Science and Technology in the country.

Its Chairman V.M. Trehan was recently awarded the coveted Presidential Gold Medal award by the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) . It was presented to him by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh at ISCA inaugural function held at Vishkhapatnam

Mekaster which has been working for excellence since its inception in 1971, was the first to usher in the Digital Switching Technology in the country. Mekaster was also instrumental in setting up of the National Telematics Forum (NTF), which played a major role in formulation of the National Telecom Policy. Through the present forum of NAM, Mekaster would play a pro-active role for promotion of self reliance amongst the developing countries; as well as South-South collaboration amongst the priority areas of the center, forming Public - Private Partnership in area like National Disaster Management, Construction Engineering, Information and Communication Technology as well as Alternative Energy Sources.
NAM S&T Industry Network
NAM S&T network provides opportunity to its members to offer consultancy or undertake joint projects on transfer of technology, technical assistance, manpower development and capacity building in specific areas on bilateral or multilateral basis with other member organizations or countries. The Network members also get preference in holding international scientific events in collaboration with the Centre.
For further enquiries please contact:
Prof. Dr. Arun P. Kulshreshtha,
Centre for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries,
Zone - 6, IInd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
NEW DELHI - 110 003 (INDIA)
Ph.: (+91)(11) 24645134 / 24644974

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