Sunday, December 21, 2008

Compensation from Del monte india

Batavarapalli Village, PO Bellathur, Hosur Taluka, Krishnagiri District 635103 (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859



Chennai , December 21, 2008 Residents of Batavarapalli, a small village in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu near Bangalore have petitioned the Loss of Ecology Authority of Tamil Nadu for compensation from global processed food giant Del Monte India , a subsidiary of Del Monte Singapore and Bharti Del Monte India , a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises (formerly known Field Fresh foods) and Del Monte India due to environment related problems affecting the villagers of the area.

Del Monte India Food and Vegetables Del Monte is an iconic American brand and is licensed to various companies worldwide, including Del Monte Pacific, headquartered in Singapore.The Singapore based company has an equity association with Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and currently operate in India through this company and their subsidiary.

They have a Mango pulp processing unit in Batavarapalli village, in Tamil Nadu and 50 kilometers from Bangalore, and are working towards introducing the Del Monte brands in India through Bharti Del Monte. This unit catered to Wal Mart ad other chains world wide.

The village of Batavarapalli in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu has instituted a case on June 8 against Del Monte and Bharti Del Monte for damage to the environment by operating their factory under the Environment Protection Act. Ground water in and around the village has been contaminated.

The case was admitted and a team from the Loss of Ecology Authority, the district administration and state Pollution Control Board have carried out inspection of this complaint at the village. The investigation was led by Dr Jairaj, Asst. Commissioner of the Ecology Authority. Del Monte India/Bharti Del Monte has closed the operations of their factory, after complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board in September 2007. The Pollution Control Board had directed Del Monte to carry out rectifications. Instead, they have suspended operations early this year and terminated the services of its employees at the factory.

The villagers including farmers and producers have been demanding compensation from DelMonte at Batavarapalli, as it has already been established by the Loss of ecology Authority .

Del Monte Pacific has been recently involved in major controversies in marketing in unlicensed regions and having a consignment of endosulfan sunk in Phillipines, and not taking responsibility for its spillage in the seas. There has now been a call by many environmentalist activists worldwide to ban Del Monte products for using an insecticide banned in many parts of the world

Contacts Sumarleki Amjah, Del Monte Singapore, 006591545871 Shankar Rao, Production Manager, Del Monte,09750466104 Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859 Sidharth Mukherjee 09811836490 and dr jai Raj, Asst Commissioner Ecology Authority 09840403356

Attached the copy of petition
June 8, 2008

Petition demanding compensation and restoration of ecology to our village, Batavarapalli, submitted by farmers and residents & Sunblossom Florals Ltd., Hosur Taluka, Tamil Nadu 635103 to Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai
In a case of abuse to the environment by a multinational corporation – the Singapore based Del Monte Pacific Group( through their subsidiary Del Monte India Pvt. Ltd.), a small village in Tamil Nadu, Batavarapalli, has been left with the legacy of contaminated soil and reserves of saline water. Untreated effluents have been discharged from their fruit processing plant for the last six years. Today, this factory has been permanently closed after complaint was made to the Pollution Control authorities. Del Monte, besides their fruit processing plant in India, also has a joint venture with the Bharti Group – Bharti Del Monte Ltd. The tie up between the two groups was announced on 29 September 2007. The Bharti Group, and M/s Del Monte Pacific, have equal representation at the Board level of Bharti Del Monte, through Mr Sunil Mittal, Mr Rakesh Mittal, Mr Rolando Gapud and Mr Joselito Campos, the last two executives also being the Chairman and Executive Director of Del Monte Singapore. It is unlikely that any action at Batavarapalli taken by Del Monte Pacific is not in the knowledge of Bharti Del Monte Ltd.
Del Monte having ‘abandoned’ their operations at Batavarapalli village, are scouting around to find a buyer for the closed processing unit. The company has mandated M/s Atis Woods Projects Ltd, 43 The Estate, 121 Dickenson Centre, Bengaluru (Mr A Bhaskar, telephone number 080 40508880 ) to dispose off this unit. Even while the investigations are on by the Hon’ble Loss of Ecology Authority.
Attempts were made over the last few years by the village people to meet with Del Monte factory’s management and complain about the discharge of effluents. Ultimately, not having succeeded, a complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board on July 17 2007,and finally leading to Petition to the Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai on June 8 2008. Hearings and submissions are in progress. The Authority has visited the location on August 20 2008 for Enquiry and on-spot inspection
The employment potential with two factories closed is one aspect of the problem. More critical is the contamination of ground water – now described as saline quality, and its impact on the local environment and populace. Neither Del Monte nor Bharti Del Monte is willing to take any responsibility for this. Closure of factory by them is their answer to charges of environment damage
Del Monte Pacific has an international record of environment abuse – discharge of their consignment of endosulfan (banned in most countries including India) in the waters off Philippines, June 21 2008, and as the videos would show, takeover of land of small farmers by force for their plantations. There is also a $100 million law suit pending against them by another Del Monte company/licensee, for marketing their products in territories not under their mandate.
I have an interest in this matter, not just as a public relations and communications consultant, but also as a promoter of a project which got located at this village. Our support to the Public Petition is keeping into account our presence in the village for a decade, the employment of local populace, mostly women and the negative impact of Del Monte’s operations on the local environment
The local farmers of the village are signatories to the Petition, pleading for restoration of ecology at Batavarapalli. A part of the Petition has been prepared with information obtained through provisions of Right to Information Act with State Pollution Control Board. PCB have been prompt
Our effort to sensitize you is arising from the impunity with which the Respondents have treated this issue so far. As members of the food processing industry, Del Monte and the Bharti Group, have so far have shown no signs of acceptance of responsibility to the damage to environment they have done, and against helpless villagers, who are up against systems and procedures difficult for them to comprehend or adopt. Instead, a mandate has now been issued by them to sell off this factory

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