OUTOKUMPU'A' : Outokumpu commended for climate change disclosure
New Delhi October 23, 2010 Outokumpu has been commended by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which represents 534 institutional investors with $64 trillion in assets under management, for its approach to climate change disclosure.
For the second time Outokumpu is featured in CDP's "Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index." This index, a key component of CDP's annual Nordic 200 Report, highlights the constituent companies within the Nordic stock exchanges, which have displayed the most professional approach to corporate governance in respect of climate change disclosure practices. Companies are scored on their climate change disclosure and high scores indicate good internal data management and understanding of climate change related issues affecting the company. Outokumpu was given a score of 86/100.
The index, compiled by Jönköpings International Business School (Jibs) on behalf of CDP provides an evaluation tool for institutional investors. In 2010, it comprises 20 constituents of the Nordic 200 Index based on analysis of the responses to CDP's 2010 questionnaire, which focused on greenhouse gas emissions, emissions reduction targets and risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
"Inclusion in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index is a welcome recognition for our corporate governance in respect of climate change. We take seriously these issues and want to do our share in the shift towards a low-carbon society - especially by focusing on energy efficiency," said Juha Rantanen, CEO of Outokumpu Oyj.
Paul Dickinson, Chief Executive of the Carbon Disclosure Project, commented: "The Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index recognizes companies that demonstrate good internal data management practices for understanding greenhouse gas emissions, including energy use. Companies that make this index have also demonstrated clear consideration of how climate change is and will impact their business. As companies' understanding of climate change issues grows, they are better placed to take positive action to manage and mitigate its risks."
The Nordic 200 Report including names of companies featured in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index can be found at www.cdproject.net:http://www.cdproject.net/.
For more information please contact: Yatinder Pal Singh SuriCountry HeadOutokumpu India Private Limited609-612 , Hemkunt TowerNehru PlaceNew Delhi - 110019. INDIATel : +91 11 46518440, 41Fax : +91 11 46518439Dir : +91 11 46518444Mob : +91 98181 20952www.outokumpu.com
Outokumpu is a global leader in stainless steel with the vision to be the undisputed number one. Customers in a wide range of industries use our stainless steel and services worldwide. Being fully recyclable, maintenance-free, as well as very strong and durable material, stainless steel is one of the key building blocks for sustainable future. Outokumpu employs some 7 500 people in more than 30 countries. The Group's head office is located in Espoo, Finland. Outokumpu is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. www.outokumpu.com:http://www.outokumpu.com/
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organization holding the largest database of primary corporate climate change information in the world. Thousands of organizations across the world's largest economies now measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies through CDP, in order that they can set reduction targets and make performance improvements. This data is gathered on behalf of 534 institutional investors, with combined assets under management in excess of $64 trillion, as well as purchasing organizations and government bodies and made available for integration into business and policy decision making. www.cdproject.net:http://www.cdproject.net/
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
700 Consulting engineers to attend FIDIC 2010 in New Delhi from September 19

International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)Consulting Engineers Association of India
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi; 19 - 22 September 2010 contact V.K.Arora 9811153833
New Delhi September 17, 2010 About 700 global experts representing consulting engineering industry, architects, various government departments, infrastructure companies and funding agencies will take part in the Four day International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC 2010) to begin from September 19-22, 2010, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi .
Union Minister of Steel Virbhadra Singh will inaugurate the conference .
FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (the acronym stands for the French version of the name) represents globally the consulting engineering industry which helps in field of Land Surveys of Highway & Bridges, Hydroelectric projects, Irrigation projects, Defence , gas and power projects, industrial projects, Public health, Project Management, Highway Geometric Designs, Design of Bridges & Culverts. As such, the Federation promotes the business interest of firms supplying technology-based intellectual services for the construction related industry. Founded in 1913, FIDIC today has some 1 million professionals as members worldwide.
FIDIC contract form is widely used world wide for construction contracts and undertakings and is an internationally accepted document as "General Conditions of Contract (GCC)". All World bank funded construction projects as well as other international funding agencies are based on FIDIC drafted contract conditions. Even in India NHAI and other World bank and ADB bank contracts use FIDIC conditions .
“The global experts from more than 70 countries attending the Conference with the theme “Managing Innovation - The Way Forward” will address and explore the role of consulting engineers in the delivery of sustainable solutions to global challenges related to climate change, increasing demand for energy, investment in infrastructure in emerging economies and mass urbanization. The international speakers will also discuss and debate how to manage innovations in the way consultancy services are provided worldwide,”, said Mr K K Kapila, Chairman, Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI).
“Plenary sessions, business seminars and workshops over three days will address how the consulting engineering industry is responding to the need for innovation: how organizations are handling the consequences of innovation, and the tools being developed to ensure that innovation is managed correctly at all levels; from the project level, through to firms and organizations, up to the industry level and society as a whole.” He added.
“The major speakers at the conference will be Mr Gregs Thomopulos, President, FIDIC, Mr A K Purwaha, CMD, EIL, Mr Rakesh Chopra, Member Railway Board, Mr Chris Cole, CEO, WSP, Harrie Noy, CEO, Arcadis, Netherlands, Peter J. Kahn, V.P., Poyry, Mr B K Chugh, DG (Works), CPWD, Mr Geoff French, CEO, Scott Wilson, UK, and incoming President of FIDIC and several other outstanding experts. They will deliberate upon how consulting engineers and their partners are responding to the need for innovation,” Mr Kapila added.
”The other subjects that will be discussed will include Drivers of Innovation, Latest in Project Finance, Challenges of Climate Change, Framework for Project Innovation, Development with Sustainability. The main aim of the Conference is to identify and plan actions needed to position the consultancy and engineering industry as leaders to provide viable and effective solutions to make the world a better living place” Mr Kapila said .
Media Relations contact V.K.Arora 9811153833
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi; 19 - 22 September 2010 contact V.K.Arora 9811153833
New Delhi September 17, 2010 About 700 global experts representing consulting engineering industry, architects, various government departments, infrastructure companies and funding agencies will take part in the Four day International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC 2010) to begin from September 19-22, 2010, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi .
Union Minister of Steel Virbhadra Singh will inaugurate the conference .
FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (the acronym stands for the French version of the name) represents globally the consulting engineering industry which helps in field of Land Surveys of Highway & Bridges, Hydroelectric projects, Irrigation projects, Defence , gas and power projects, industrial projects, Public health, Project Management, Highway Geometric Designs, Design of Bridges & Culverts. As such, the Federation promotes the business interest of firms supplying technology-based intellectual services for the construction related industry. Founded in 1913, FIDIC today has some 1 million professionals as members worldwide.
FIDIC contract form is widely used world wide for construction contracts and undertakings and is an internationally accepted document as "General Conditions of Contract (GCC)". All World bank funded construction projects as well as other international funding agencies are based on FIDIC drafted contract conditions. Even in India NHAI and other World bank and ADB bank contracts use FIDIC conditions .
“The global experts from more than 70 countries attending the Conference with the theme “Managing Innovation - The Way Forward” will address and explore the role of consulting engineers in the delivery of sustainable solutions to global challenges related to climate change, increasing demand for energy, investment in infrastructure in emerging economies and mass urbanization. The international speakers will also discuss and debate how to manage innovations in the way consultancy services are provided worldwide,”, said Mr K K Kapila, Chairman, Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI).
“Plenary sessions, business seminars and workshops over three days will address how the consulting engineering industry is responding to the need for innovation: how organizations are handling the consequences of innovation, and the tools being developed to ensure that innovation is managed correctly at all levels; from the project level, through to firms and organizations, up to the industry level and society as a whole.” He added.
“The major speakers at the conference will be Mr Gregs Thomopulos, President, FIDIC, Mr A K Purwaha, CMD, EIL, Mr Rakesh Chopra, Member Railway Board, Mr Chris Cole, CEO, WSP, Harrie Noy, CEO, Arcadis, Netherlands, Peter J. Kahn, V.P., Poyry, Mr B K Chugh, DG (Works), CPWD, Mr Geoff French, CEO, Scott Wilson, UK, and incoming President of FIDIC and several other outstanding experts. They will deliberate upon how consulting engineers and their partners are responding to the need for innovation,” Mr Kapila added.
”The other subjects that will be discussed will include Drivers of Innovation, Latest in Project Finance, Challenges of Climate Change, Framework for Project Innovation, Development with Sustainability. The main aim of the Conference is to identify and plan actions needed to position the consultancy and engineering industry as leaders to provide viable and effective solutions to make the world a better living place” Mr Kapila said .
Media Relations contact V.K.Arora 9811153833
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Compensation from Del monte india
Batavarapalli Village, PO Bellathur, Hosur Taluka, Krishnagiri District 635103 (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859
Chennai , December 21, 2008 Residents of Batavarapalli, a small village in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu near Bangalore have petitioned the Loss of Ecology Authority of Tamil Nadu for compensation from global processed food giant Del Monte India , a subsidiary of Del Monte Singapore and Bharti Del Monte India , a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises (formerly known Field Fresh foods) and Del Monte India due to environment related problems affecting the villagers of the area.
Del Monte India Food and Vegetables Del Monte is an iconic American brand and is licensed to various companies worldwide, including Del Monte Pacific, headquartered in Singapore.The Singapore based company has an equity association with Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and currently operate in India through this company and their subsidiary.
They have a Mango pulp processing unit in Batavarapalli village, in Tamil Nadu and 50 kilometers from Bangalore, and are working towards introducing the Del Monte brands in India through Bharti Del Monte. This unit catered to Wal Mart ad other chains world wide.
The village of Batavarapalli in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu has instituted a case on June 8 against Del Monte and Bharti Del Monte for damage to the environment by operating their factory under the Environment Protection Act. Ground water in and around the village has been contaminated.
The case was admitted and a team from the Loss of Ecology Authority, the district administration and state Pollution Control Board have carried out inspection of this complaint at the village. The investigation was led by Dr Jairaj, Asst. Commissioner of the Ecology Authority. Del Monte India/Bharti Del Monte has closed the operations of their factory, after complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board in September 2007. The Pollution Control Board had directed Del Monte to carry out rectifications. Instead, they have suspended operations early this year and terminated the services of its employees at the factory.
The villagers including farmers and producers have been demanding compensation from DelMonte at Batavarapalli, as it has already been established by the Loss of ecology Authority .
Del Monte Pacific has been recently involved in major controversies in marketing in unlicensed regions and having a consignment of endosulfan sunk in Phillipines, and not taking responsibility for its spillage in the seas. There has now been a call by many environmentalist activists worldwide to ban Del Monte products for using an insecticide banned in many parts of the world
Contacts Sumarleki Amjah, Del Monte Singapore, 006591545871 Shankar Rao, Production Manager, Del Monte,09750466104 Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859 Sidharth Mukherjee 09811836490 and dr jai Raj, Asst Commissioner Ecology Authority 09840403356
Attached the copy of petition
June 8, 2008
Petition demanding compensation and restoration of ecology to our village, Batavarapalli, submitted by farmers and residents & Sunblossom Florals Ltd., Hosur Taluka, Tamil Nadu 635103 to Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai
In a case of abuse to the environment by a multinational corporation – the Singapore based Del Monte Pacific Group( through their subsidiary Del Monte India Pvt. Ltd.), a small village in Tamil Nadu, Batavarapalli, has been left with the legacy of contaminated soil and reserves of saline water. Untreated effluents have been discharged from their fruit processing plant for the last six years. Today, this factory has been permanently closed after complaint was made to the Pollution Control authorities. Del Monte, besides their fruit processing plant in India, also has a joint venture with the Bharti Group – Bharti Del Monte Ltd. The tie up between the two groups was announced on 29 September 2007. The Bharti Group, and M/s Del Monte Pacific, have equal representation at the Board level of Bharti Del Monte, through Mr Sunil Mittal, Mr Rakesh Mittal, Mr Rolando Gapud and Mr Joselito Campos, the last two executives also being the Chairman and Executive Director of Del Monte Singapore. It is unlikely that any action at Batavarapalli taken by Del Monte Pacific is not in the knowledge of Bharti Del Monte Ltd.
Del Monte having ‘abandoned’ their operations at Batavarapalli village, are scouting around to find a buyer for the closed processing unit. The company has mandated M/s Atis Woods Projects Ltd, 43 The Estate, 121 Dickenson Centre, Bengaluru (Mr A Bhaskar, telephone number 080 40508880 ) to dispose off this unit. Even while the investigations are on by the Hon’ble Loss of Ecology Authority.
Attempts were made over the last few years by the village people to meet with Del Monte factory’s management and complain about the discharge of effluents. Ultimately, not having succeeded, a complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board on July 17 2007,and finally leading to Petition to the Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai on June 8 2008. Hearings and submissions are in progress. The Authority has visited the location on August 20 2008 for Enquiry and on-spot inspection
The employment potential with two factories closed is one aspect of the problem. More critical is the contamination of ground water – now described as saline quality, and its impact on the local environment and populace. Neither Del Monte nor Bharti Del Monte is willing to take any responsibility for this. Closure of factory by them is their answer to charges of environment damage
Del Monte Pacific has an international record of environment abuse – discharge of their consignment of endosulfan (banned in most countries including India) in the waters off Philippines, June 21 2008, and as the videos would show, takeover of land of small farmers by force for their plantations. There is also a $100 million law suit pending against them by another Del Monte company/licensee, for marketing their products in territories not under their mandate.
I have an interest in this matter, not just as a public relations and communications consultant, but also as a promoter of a project which got located at this village. Our support to the Public Petition is keeping into account our presence in the village for a decade, the employment of local populace, mostly women and the negative impact of Del Monte’s operations on the local environment
The local farmers of the village are signatories to the Petition, pleading for restoration of ecology at Batavarapalli. A part of the Petition has been prepared with information obtained through provisions of Right to Information Act with State Pollution Control Board. PCB have been prompt
Our effort to sensitize you is arising from the impunity with which the Respondents have treated this issue so far. As members of the food processing industry, Del Monte and the Bharti Group, have so far have shown no signs of acceptance of responsibility to the damage to environment they have done, and against helpless villagers, who are up against systems and procedures difficult for them to comprehend or adopt. Instead, a mandate has now been issued by them to sell off this factory
Batavarapalli Village, PO Bellathur, Hosur Taluka, Krishnagiri District 635103 (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859
Chennai , December 21, 2008 Residents of Batavarapalli, a small village in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu near Bangalore have petitioned the Loss of Ecology Authority of Tamil Nadu for compensation from global processed food giant Del Monte India , a subsidiary of Del Monte Singapore and Bharti Del Monte India , a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises (formerly known Field Fresh foods) and Del Monte India due to environment related problems affecting the villagers of the area.
Del Monte India Food and Vegetables Del Monte is an iconic American brand and is licensed to various companies worldwide, including Del Monte Pacific, headquartered in Singapore.The Singapore based company has an equity association with Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and currently operate in India through this company and their subsidiary.
They have a Mango pulp processing unit in Batavarapalli village, in Tamil Nadu and 50 kilometers from Bangalore, and are working towards introducing the Del Monte brands in India through Bharti Del Monte. This unit catered to Wal Mart ad other chains world wide.
The village of Batavarapalli in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu has instituted a case on June 8 against Del Monte and Bharti Del Monte for damage to the environment by operating their factory under the Environment Protection Act. Ground water in and around the village has been contaminated.
The case was admitted and a team from the Loss of Ecology Authority, the district administration and state Pollution Control Board have carried out inspection of this complaint at the village. The investigation was led by Dr Jairaj, Asst. Commissioner of the Ecology Authority. Del Monte India/Bharti Del Monte has closed the operations of their factory, after complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board in September 2007. The Pollution Control Board had directed Del Monte to carry out rectifications. Instead, they have suspended operations early this year and terminated the services of its employees at the factory.
The villagers including farmers and producers have been demanding compensation from DelMonte at Batavarapalli, as it has already been established by the Loss of ecology Authority .
Del Monte Pacific has been recently involved in major controversies in marketing in unlicensed regions and having a consignment of endosulfan sunk in Phillipines, and not taking responsibility for its spillage in the seas. There has now been a call by many environmentalist activists worldwide to ban Del Monte products for using an insecticide banned in many parts of the world
Contacts Sumarleki Amjah, Del Monte Singapore, 006591545871 Shankar Rao, Production Manager, Del Monte,09750466104 Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859 Sidharth Mukherjee 09811836490 and dr jai Raj, Asst Commissioner Ecology Authority 09840403356
Attached the copy of petition
June 8, 2008
Petition demanding compensation and restoration of ecology to our village, Batavarapalli, submitted by farmers and residents & Sunblossom Florals Ltd., Hosur Taluka, Tamil Nadu 635103 to Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai
In a case of abuse to the environment by a multinational corporation – the Singapore based Del Monte Pacific Group( through their subsidiary Del Monte India Pvt. Ltd.), a small village in Tamil Nadu, Batavarapalli, has been left with the legacy of contaminated soil and reserves of saline water. Untreated effluents have been discharged from their fruit processing plant for the last six years. Today, this factory has been permanently closed after complaint was made to the Pollution Control authorities. Del Monte, besides their fruit processing plant in India, also has a joint venture with the Bharti Group – Bharti Del Monte Ltd. The tie up between the two groups was announced on 29 September 2007. The Bharti Group, and M/s Del Monte Pacific, have equal representation at the Board level of Bharti Del Monte, through Mr Sunil Mittal, Mr Rakesh Mittal, Mr Rolando Gapud and Mr Joselito Campos, the last two executives also being the Chairman and Executive Director of Del Monte Singapore. It is unlikely that any action at Batavarapalli taken by Del Monte Pacific is not in the knowledge of Bharti Del Monte Ltd.
Del Monte having ‘abandoned’ their operations at Batavarapalli village, are scouting around to find a buyer for the closed processing unit. The company has mandated M/s Atis Woods Projects Ltd, 43 The Estate, 121 Dickenson Centre, Bengaluru (Mr A Bhaskar, telephone number 080 40508880 ) to dispose off this unit. Even while the investigations are on by the Hon’ble Loss of Ecology Authority.
Attempts were made over the last few years by the village people to meet with Del Monte factory’s management and complain about the discharge of effluents. Ultimately, not having succeeded, a complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board on July 17 2007,and finally leading to Petition to the Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai on June 8 2008. Hearings and submissions are in progress. The Authority has visited the location on August 20 2008 for Enquiry and on-spot inspection
The employment potential with two factories closed is one aspect of the problem. More critical is the contamination of ground water – now described as saline quality, and its impact on the local environment and populace. Neither Del Monte nor Bharti Del Monte is willing to take any responsibility for this. Closure of factory by them is their answer to charges of environment damage
Del Monte Pacific has an international record of environment abuse – discharge of their consignment of endosulfan (banned in most countries including India) in the waters off Philippines, June 21 2008, and as the videos would show, takeover of land of small farmers by force for their plantations. There is also a $100 million law suit pending against them by another Del Monte company/licensee, for marketing their products in territories not under their mandate.
I have an interest in this matter, not just as a public relations and communications consultant, but also as a promoter of a project which got located at this village. Our support to the Public Petition is keeping into account our presence in the village for a decade, the employment of local populace, mostly women and the negative impact of Del Monte’s operations on the local environment
The local farmers of the village are signatories to the Petition, pleading for restoration of ecology at Batavarapalli. A part of the Petition has been prepared with information obtained through provisions of Right to Information Act with State Pollution Control Board. PCB have been prompt
Our effort to sensitize you is arising from the impunity with which the Respondents have treated this issue so far. As members of the food processing industry, Del Monte and the Bharti Group, have so far have shown no signs of acceptance of responsibility to the damage to environment they have done, and against helpless villagers, who are up against systems and procedures difficult for them to comprehend or adopt. Instead, a mandate has now been issued by them to sell off this factory
Compensation from Del monte india
Batavarapalli Village, PO Bellathur, Hosur Taluka, Krishnagiri District 635103 (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859
Chennai , December 21, 2008 Residents of Batavarapalli, a small village in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu near Bangalore have petitioned the Loss of Ecology Authority of Tamil Nadu for compensation from global processed food giant Del Monte India , a subsidiary of Del Monte Singapore and Bharti Del Monte India , a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises (formerly known Field Fresh foods) and Del Monte India due to environment related problems affecting the villagers of the area.
Del Monte India Food and Vegetables Del Monte is an iconic American brand and is licensed to various companies worldwide, including Del Monte Pacific, headquartered in Singapore.The Singapore based company has an equity association with Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and currently operate in India through this company and their subsidiary.
They have a Mango pulp processing unit in Batavarapalli village, in Tamil Nadu and 50 kilometers from Bangalore, and are working towards introducing the Del Monte brands in India through Bharti Del Monte. This unit catered to Wal Mart ad other chains world wide.
The village of Batavarapalli in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu has instituted a case on June 8 against Del Monte and Bharti Del Monte for damage to the environment by operating their factory under the Environment Protection Act. Ground water in and around the village has been contaminated.
The case was admitted and a team from the Loss of Ecology Authority, the district administration and state Pollution Control Board have carried out inspection of this complaint at the village. The investigation was led by Dr Jairaj, Asst. Commissioner of the Ecology Authority. Del Monte India/Bharti Del Monte has closed the operations of their factory, after complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board in September 2007. The Pollution Control Board had directed Del Monte to carry out rectifications. Instead, they have suspended operations early this year and terminated the services of its employees at the factory.
The villagers including farmers and producers have been demanding compensation from DelMonte at Batavarapalli, as it has already been established by the Loss of ecology Authority .
Del Monte Pacific has been recently involved in major controversies in marketing in unlicensed regions and having a consignment of endosulfan sunk in Phillipines, and not taking responsibility for its spillage in the seas. There has now been a call by many environmentalist activists worldwide to ban Del Monte products for using an insecticide banned in many parts of the world
Contacts Sumarleki Amjah, Del Monte Singapore, 006591545871 Shankar Rao, Production Manager, Del Monte,09750466104 Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859 Sidharth Mukherjee 09811836490 and dr jai Raj, Asst Commissioner Ecology Authority 09840403356
Attached the copy of petition
June 8, 2008
Petition demanding compensation and restoration of ecology to our village, Batavarapalli, submitted by farmers and residents & Sunblossom Florals Ltd., Hosur Taluka, Tamil Nadu 635103 to Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai
In a case of abuse to the environment by a multinational corporation – the Singapore based Del Monte Pacific Group( through their subsidiary Del Monte India Pvt. Ltd.), a small village in Tamil Nadu, Batavarapalli, has been left with the legacy of contaminated soil and reserves of saline water. Untreated effluents have been discharged from their fruit processing plant for the last six years. Today, this factory has been permanently closed after complaint was made to the Pollution Control authorities. Del Monte, besides their fruit processing plant in India, also has a joint venture with the Bharti Group – Bharti Del Monte Ltd. The tie up between the two groups was announced on 29 September 2007. The Bharti Group, and M/s Del Monte Pacific, have equal representation at the Board level of Bharti Del Monte, through Mr Sunil Mittal, Mr Rakesh Mittal, Mr Rolando Gapud and Mr Joselito Campos, the last two executives also being the Chairman and Executive Director of Del Monte Singapore. It is unlikely that any action at Batavarapalli taken by Del Monte Pacific is not in the knowledge of Bharti Del Monte Ltd.
Del Monte having ‘abandoned’ their operations at Batavarapalli village, are scouting around to find a buyer for the closed processing unit. The company has mandated M/s Atis Woods Projects Ltd, 43 The Estate, 121 Dickenson Centre, Bengaluru (Mr A Bhaskar, telephone number 080 40508880 ) to dispose off this unit. Even while the investigations are on by the Hon’ble Loss of Ecology Authority.
Attempts were made over the last few years by the village people to meet with Del Monte factory’s management and complain about the discharge of effluents. Ultimately, not having succeeded, a complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board on July 17 2007,and finally leading to Petition to the Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai on June 8 2008. Hearings and submissions are in progress. The Authority has visited the location on August 20 2008 for Enquiry and on-spot inspection
The employment potential with two factories closed is one aspect of the problem. More critical is the contamination of ground water – now described as saline quality, and its impact on the local environment and populace. Neither Del Monte nor Bharti Del Monte is willing to take any responsibility for this. Closure of factory by them is their answer to charges of environment damage
Del Monte Pacific has an international record of environment abuse – discharge of their consignment of endosulfan (banned in most countries including India) in the waters off Philippines, June 21 2008, and as the videos would show, takeover of land of small farmers by force for their plantations. There is also a $100 million law suit pending against them by another Del Monte company/licensee, for marketing their products in territories not under their mandate.
I have an interest in this matter, not just as a public relations and communications consultant, but also as a promoter of a project which got located at this village. Our support to the Public Petition is keeping into account our presence in the village for a decade, the employment of local populace, mostly women and the negative impact of Del Monte’s operations on the local environment
The local farmers of the village are signatories to the Petition, pleading for restoration of ecology at Batavarapalli. A part of the Petition has been prepared with information obtained through provisions of Right to Information Act with State Pollution Control Board. PCB have been prompt
Our effort to sensitize you is arising from the impunity with which the Respondents have treated this issue so far. As members of the food processing industry, Del Monte and the Bharti Group, have so far have shown no signs of acceptance of responsibility to the damage to environment they have done, and against helpless villagers, who are up against systems and procedures difficult for them to comprehend or adopt. Instead, a mandate has now been issued by them to sell off this factory
Batavarapalli Village, PO Bellathur, Hosur Taluka, Krishnagiri District 635103 (Tamil Nadu)
Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859
Chennai , December 21, 2008 Residents of Batavarapalli, a small village in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu near Bangalore have petitioned the Loss of Ecology Authority of Tamil Nadu for compensation from global processed food giant Del Monte India , a subsidiary of Del Monte Singapore and Bharti Del Monte India , a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises (formerly known Field Fresh foods) and Del Monte India due to environment related problems affecting the villagers of the area.
Del Monte India Food and Vegetables Del Monte is an iconic American brand and is licensed to various companies worldwide, including Del Monte Pacific, headquartered in Singapore.The Singapore based company has an equity association with Sunil Mittal's Bharti group and currently operate in India through this company and their subsidiary.
They have a Mango pulp processing unit in Batavarapalli village, in Tamil Nadu and 50 kilometers from Bangalore, and are working towards introducing the Del Monte brands in India through Bharti Del Monte. This unit catered to Wal Mart ad other chains world wide.
The village of Batavarapalli in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu has instituted a case on June 8 against Del Monte and Bharti Del Monte for damage to the environment by operating their factory under the Environment Protection Act. Ground water in and around the village has been contaminated.
The case was admitted and a team from the Loss of Ecology Authority, the district administration and state Pollution Control Board have carried out inspection of this complaint at the village. The investigation was led by Dr Jairaj, Asst. Commissioner of the Ecology Authority. Del Monte India/Bharti Del Monte has closed the operations of their factory, after complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board in September 2007. The Pollution Control Board had directed Del Monte to carry out rectifications. Instead, they have suspended operations early this year and terminated the services of its employees at the factory.
The villagers including farmers and producers have been demanding compensation from DelMonte at Batavarapalli, as it has already been established by the Loss of ecology Authority .
Del Monte Pacific has been recently involved in major controversies in marketing in unlicensed regions and having a consignment of endosulfan sunk in Phillipines, and not taking responsibility for its spillage in the seas. There has now been a call by many environmentalist activists worldwide to ban Del Monte products for using an insecticide banned in many parts of the world
Contacts Sumarleki Amjah, Del Monte Singapore, 006591545871 Shankar Rao, Production Manager, Del Monte,09750466104 Contact Villager Muniraj 09790260859 Sidharth Mukherjee 09811836490 and dr jai Raj, Asst Commissioner Ecology Authority 09840403356
Attached the copy of petition
June 8, 2008
Petition demanding compensation and restoration of ecology to our village, Batavarapalli, submitted by farmers and residents & Sunblossom Florals Ltd., Hosur Taluka, Tamil Nadu 635103 to Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai
In a case of abuse to the environment by a multinational corporation – the Singapore based Del Monte Pacific Group( through their subsidiary Del Monte India Pvt. Ltd.), a small village in Tamil Nadu, Batavarapalli, has been left with the legacy of contaminated soil and reserves of saline water. Untreated effluents have been discharged from their fruit processing plant for the last six years. Today, this factory has been permanently closed after complaint was made to the Pollution Control authorities. Del Monte, besides their fruit processing plant in India, also has a joint venture with the Bharti Group – Bharti Del Monte Ltd. The tie up between the two groups was announced on 29 September 2007. The Bharti Group, and M/s Del Monte Pacific, have equal representation at the Board level of Bharti Del Monte, through Mr Sunil Mittal, Mr Rakesh Mittal, Mr Rolando Gapud and Mr Joselito Campos, the last two executives also being the Chairman and Executive Director of Del Monte Singapore. It is unlikely that any action at Batavarapalli taken by Del Monte Pacific is not in the knowledge of Bharti Del Monte Ltd.
Del Monte having ‘abandoned’ their operations at Batavarapalli village, are scouting around to find a buyer for the closed processing unit. The company has mandated M/s Atis Woods Projects Ltd, 43 The Estate, 121 Dickenson Centre, Bengaluru (Mr A Bhaskar, telephone number 080 40508880 ) to dispose off this unit. Even while the investigations are on by the Hon’ble Loss of Ecology Authority.
Attempts were made over the last few years by the village people to meet with Del Monte factory’s management and complain about the discharge of effluents. Ultimately, not having succeeded, a complaint was made to the state Pollution Control Board on July 17 2007,and finally leading to Petition to the Hon’ble Justice, Loss of Ecology Authority, Chennai on June 8 2008. Hearings and submissions are in progress. The Authority has visited the location on August 20 2008 for Enquiry and on-spot inspection
The employment potential with two factories closed is one aspect of the problem. More critical is the contamination of ground water – now described as saline quality, and its impact on the local environment and populace. Neither Del Monte nor Bharti Del Monte is willing to take any responsibility for this. Closure of factory by them is their answer to charges of environment damage
Del Monte Pacific has an international record of environment abuse – discharge of their consignment of endosulfan (banned in most countries including India) in the waters off Philippines, June 21 2008, and as the videos would show, takeover of land of small farmers by force for their plantations. There is also a $100 million law suit pending against them by another Del Monte company/licensee, for marketing their products in territories not under their mandate.
I have an interest in this matter, not just as a public relations and communications consultant, but also as a promoter of a project which got located at this village. Our support to the Public Petition is keeping into account our presence in the village for a decade, the employment of local populace, mostly women and the negative impact of Del Monte’s operations on the local environment
The local farmers of the village are signatories to the Petition, pleading for restoration of ecology at Batavarapalli. A part of the Petition has been prepared with information obtained through provisions of Right to Information Act with State Pollution Control Board. PCB have been prompt
Our effort to sensitize you is arising from the impunity with which the Respondents have treated this issue so far. As members of the food processing industry, Del Monte and the Bharti Group, have so far have shown no signs of acceptance of responsibility to the damage to environment they have done, and against helpless villagers, who are up against systems and procedures difficult for them to comprehend or adopt. Instead, a mandate has now been issued by them to sell off this factory
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Euphoria in Congress to sail through easily in the Lok Sabha on the trust vote is evaporating fast as the D-day comes closer. Congress President holding daily review meetings with the party leaders engagedin wooing individual MPs and smaller parties was quite upset over a senior leader pointing out that UPA's own number is dwindling faster than swelling from the new support gained.The UPA government's own strength in the 543-seat Lok Sabha is 226. The Congress managers have, however, put a question mark on 15 and they now admit that five more votes may have to be deducted if the presiding officer does not allow voting by the jailed MPs.PMK, led by Union Health Minister Ambumani Ramadoss, on Wednesday virtually put the Prime Minister on notice, not to count its six votes unless he pressurises Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi to setfree one of its MLA, Guru. The Tamil Nadu politics watchers say this is only a prelude to PMK drifting away to AIADMK of J Jayalalithaa.The same may happen with MDMK whose boss Vaiko has already announced to vote against the government in his run up to tying up with Jayalalithaa. He has four MPs in the Lok Sabha, but two of them have rebelled. These rebels have declared to vote for the government. So, Vaiko will be able to reduce the UPA strength by just two votes.The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha supremo Sibu Soren is also keeping the government on tenterhooks. He has five votes. Though his party is still a constituent of the UPA, he is threatening to walk out andalign with the BJP. He is negotiating simultaneously with both Congress and BJP. From Congress, he wants back the minister's post that was snatched away from him on a court sentencing him for murderof his secretary. He is bargaining with BJP to give him support to become the Jharkhand chief minister.Two others from the Congress camp whom the Congress review meeting on Wednesday ruled out to give support are suspended Haryana MP Kuldeep Bishnoi and 75-year old rebel Assam MP A F Golam Osmani. The party managers were told to explore if they abstain from voting to lessen the damage that will be caused if they vote against the confidence motion.If all these doubtful MPs are taken into account, the UPA's real strength on the D-day would slump from 226 to 211 and further drop to 206 if five jailed MPs are not allowed to vote. This will leave a widegap of 66 for the magic number to win the confidence vote.Those privy to the goings-on in 10 Janpath admit that the support gained from the Samajwadi Party and one mustered by pursuing smaller parties and individual MPs can not cover up this deficit. They,however, insist that the actual deficit, after counting all the support mustered todate, is just 12 votes. The party is cent per cent confident at this juncture to get 260 votes, they asserted.The Samajwadi Party has 39 MPs, but it has now dawned on the Congress that its leaders Mulayam Singh Yadav and Amar Singh cannot deliver all 39 votes. Two of its parliamentarians have already revolted anddeclared to vote against the government while some more may fall to the poaching by Bahujan Samaj Party, taking advantage of being in power in Uttar Pradesh.The Congress managers are, however, still hoping to scrape through. They are counting on the last minute decision by some of the parties in the Opposition to abstain as that would bring down the magic numberfor winning the vote and the UPA government will be in the advantageous position.As regards the smaller parties that these managers have been contracting, Janata Dal(S) MP Veerendra Kumar has already announced that he would vote against the government, leaving two other JanataDal(S) votes that will be decided by former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda only by Sunday. The Telengana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) having three votes, including one rebel, is demanding a Cabinet resolution by Friday for creation of a separate Telengana state carved out of Andhra Pradesh. Former Union Minister Ajit Singh, heading the 3-MP Rashtriya Lok Dal has pressed for a ministerial berth as a bargain to vote for the government. Even the one-MP parties are putting own demands in the bargain, the Congress sources said.Some of the top Congress leaders, including Union Ministers Pranab Mukherjee and hospitalised Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, are still working on the Communists to persuade them not to bring down the government. They became active after the 95-year old CPI-M patriarch Jyoti Basu remarked that it would be a bad day for the left to be seen voting with the communal BJP to bring down the government.Though the Left parties have not yet shown any inclination for any kind of compromise as seen from the anti-government campaign it has launched since Monday, some of the CPI-M leaders in West Bengal havestarted criticising their party leadership for hobnobbing with the BJP after Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee chose to toe Jyoti Basu's line and opposed voting with the BJP.The 2-day central committee of the CPI(M) is meeting here from Saturday and there should be no surprise if General Secretary Prakash Karat, who has otherwise a majority in the politburo, is pulled up anda decision is taken that can become a saving grace for the ruling UPA.Ranged against the UPA are the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the Left parties, Bahujan Samaj Party and the third front of UNPA. As of now the NDA is holding together, dashing the Congresshopes that the Akali Dal may be forced by the Sikh organisations in Punjab not to bring down a government led by a Sikh. Also dashed were hopes from Shiv Sena stating at one point that it supports the nuclear deal as it has too gone on record that its MPs would vote against the government.The trust vote has certainly triggered a dramatic re-alignment in Indian politics. For the first time ever, the left, practitioners of class politics, will join forces with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), whichbelieves in caste-based mobilisation. More ironic will be its joining hands with the BJP to bring down the government. Even the Congress-SP camaraderie is nothing more than a marriage of convenience, though itmay help them in Uttar Pradesh that sends 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha.
Euphoria in Congress to sail through easily in the Lok Sabha on the trust vote is evaporating fast as the D-day comes closer. Congress President holding daily review meetings with the party leaders engagedin wooing individual MPs and smaller parties was quite upset over a senior leader pointing out that UPA's own number is dwindling faster than swelling from the new support gained.The UPA government's own strength in the 543-seat Lok Sabha is 226. The Congress managers have, however, put a question mark on 15 and they now admit that five more votes may have to be deducted if the presiding officer does not allow voting by the jailed MPs.PMK, led by Union Health Minister Ambumani Ramadoss, on Wednesday virtually put the Prime Minister on notice, not to count its six votes unless he pressurises Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi to setfree one of its MLA, Guru. The Tamil Nadu politics watchers say this is only a prelude to PMK drifting away to AIADMK of J Jayalalithaa.The same may happen with MDMK whose boss Vaiko has already announced to vote against the government in his run up to tying up with Jayalalithaa. He has four MPs in the Lok Sabha, but two of them have rebelled. These rebels have declared to vote for the government. So, Vaiko will be able to reduce the UPA strength by just two votes.The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha supremo Sibu Soren is also keeping the government on tenterhooks. He has five votes. Though his party is still a constituent of the UPA, he is threatening to walk out andalign with the BJP. He is negotiating simultaneously with both Congress and BJP. From Congress, he wants back the minister's post that was snatched away from him on a court sentencing him for murderof his secretary. He is bargaining with BJP to give him support to become the Jharkhand chief minister.Two others from the Congress camp whom the Congress review meeting on Wednesday ruled out to give support are suspended Haryana MP Kuldeep Bishnoi and 75-year old rebel Assam MP A F Golam Osmani. The party managers were told to explore if they abstain from voting to lessen the damage that will be caused if they vote against the confidence motion.If all these doubtful MPs are taken into account, the UPA's real strength on the D-day would slump from 226 to 211 and further drop to 206 if five jailed MPs are not allowed to vote. This will leave a widegap of 66 for the magic number to win the confidence vote.Those privy to the goings-on in 10 Janpath admit that the support gained from the Samajwadi Party and one mustered by pursuing smaller parties and individual MPs can not cover up this deficit. They,however, insist that the actual deficit, after counting all the support mustered todate, is just 12 votes. The party is cent per cent confident at this juncture to get 260 votes, they asserted.The Samajwadi Party has 39 MPs, but it has now dawned on the Congress that its leaders Mulayam Singh Yadav and Amar Singh cannot deliver all 39 votes. Two of its parliamentarians have already revolted anddeclared to vote against the government while some more may fall to the poaching by Bahujan Samaj Party, taking advantage of being in power in Uttar Pradesh.The Congress managers are, however, still hoping to scrape through. They are counting on the last minute decision by some of the parties in the Opposition to abstain as that would bring down the magic numberfor winning the vote and the UPA government will be in the advantageous position.As regards the smaller parties that these managers have been contracting, Janata Dal(S) MP Veerendra Kumar has already announced that he would vote against the government, leaving two other JanataDal(S) votes that will be decided by former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda only by Sunday. The Telengana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) having three votes, including one rebel, is demanding a Cabinet resolution by Friday for creation of a separate Telengana state carved out of Andhra Pradesh. Former Union Minister Ajit Singh, heading the 3-MP Rashtriya Lok Dal has pressed for a ministerial berth as a bargain to vote for the government. Even the one-MP parties are putting own demands in the bargain, the Congress sources said.Some of the top Congress leaders, including Union Ministers Pranab Mukherjee and hospitalised Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, are still working on the Communists to persuade them not to bring down the government. They became active after the 95-year old CPI-M patriarch Jyoti Basu remarked that it would be a bad day for the left to be seen voting with the communal BJP to bring down the government.Though the Left parties have not yet shown any inclination for any kind of compromise as seen from the anti-government campaign it has launched since Monday, some of the CPI-M leaders in West Bengal havestarted criticising their party leadership for hobnobbing with the BJP after Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee chose to toe Jyoti Basu's line and opposed voting with the BJP.The 2-day central committee of the CPI(M) is meeting here from Saturday and there should be no surprise if General Secretary Prakash Karat, who has otherwise a majority in the politburo, is pulled up anda decision is taken that can become a saving grace for the ruling UPA.Ranged against the UPA are the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the Left parties, Bahujan Samaj Party and the third front of UNPA. As of now the NDA is holding together, dashing the Congresshopes that the Akali Dal may be forced by the Sikh organisations in Punjab not to bring down a government led by a Sikh. Also dashed were hopes from Shiv Sena stating at one point that it supports the nuclear deal as it has too gone on record that its MPs would vote against the government.The trust vote has certainly triggered a dramatic re-alignment in Indian politics. For the first time ever, the left, practitioners of class politics, will join forces with Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), whichbelieves in caste-based mobilisation. More ironic will be its joining hands with the BJP to bring down the government. Even the Congress-SP camaraderie is nothing more than a marriage of convenience, though itmay help them in Uttar Pradesh that sends 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mekaster becomes Industry Partner to NAM S & T
Press Release
New Delhi May 23, 2008 The Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) has selected Mekaster , a private industrial unit as its network member for promoting Science & Technology for the first time.
NAM S &T centre was set up in 1989 as an inter-governmental organization in pursuance of the decisions taken at various Summits of the Heads of State or Government of the Non-aligned Movement countries. Forty one developing countries represented by their government departments / ministries and agencies dealing with science and technology have so far joined the Centre as its member.
Mekaster group headed by its Chairman V.M. Trehan has been playing major role in the development and propagating the cause of Science and Technology in the country.
Its Chairman V.M. Trehan was recently awarded the coveted Presidential Gold Medal award by the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) . It was presented to him by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh at ISCA inaugural function held at Vishkhapatnam
Mekaster which has been working for excellence since its inception in 1971, was the first to usher in the Digital Switching Technology in the country. Mekaster was also instrumental in setting up of the National Telematics Forum (NTF), which played a major role in formulation of the National Telecom Policy. Through the present forum of NAM, Mekaster would play a pro-active role for promotion of self reliance amongst the developing countries; as well as South-South collaboration amongst the priority areas of the center, forming Public - Private Partnership in area like National Disaster Management, Construction Engineering, Information and Communication Technology as well as Alternative Energy Sources.
NAM S&T Industry Network
NAM S&T network provides opportunity to its members to offer consultancy or undertake joint projects on transfer of technology, technical assistance, manpower development and capacity building in specific areas on bilateral or multilateral basis with other member organizations or countries. The Network members also get preference in holding international scientific events in collaboration with the Centre.
For further enquiries please contact:
Prof. Dr. Arun P. Kulshreshtha,
Centre for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries,
Zone - 6, IInd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
NEW DELHI - 110 003 (INDIA)
Ph.: (+91)(11) 24645134 / 24644974
E-mail: namstct@gmail.com
New Delhi May 23, 2008 The Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) has selected Mekaster , a private industrial unit as its network member for promoting Science & Technology for the first time.
NAM S &T centre was set up in 1989 as an inter-governmental organization in pursuance of the decisions taken at various Summits of the Heads of State or Government of the Non-aligned Movement countries. Forty one developing countries represented by their government departments / ministries and agencies dealing with science and technology have so far joined the Centre as its member.
Mekaster group headed by its Chairman V.M. Trehan has been playing major role in the development and propagating the cause of Science and Technology in the country.
Its Chairman V.M. Trehan was recently awarded the coveted Presidential Gold Medal award by the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) . It was presented to him by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh at ISCA inaugural function held at Vishkhapatnam
Mekaster which has been working for excellence since its inception in 1971, was the first to usher in the Digital Switching Technology in the country. Mekaster was also instrumental in setting up of the National Telematics Forum (NTF), which played a major role in formulation of the National Telecom Policy. Through the present forum of NAM, Mekaster would play a pro-active role for promotion of self reliance amongst the developing countries; as well as South-South collaboration amongst the priority areas of the center, forming Public - Private Partnership in area like National Disaster Management, Construction Engineering, Information and Communication Technology as well as Alternative Energy Sources.
NAM S&T Industry Network
NAM S&T network provides opportunity to its members to offer consultancy or undertake joint projects on transfer of technology, technical assistance, manpower development and capacity building in specific areas on bilateral or multilateral basis with other member organizations or countries. The Network members also get preference in holding international scientific events in collaboration with the Centre.
For further enquiries please contact:
Prof. Dr. Arun P. Kulshreshtha,
Centre for Science & Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries,
Zone - 6, IInd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
NEW DELHI - 110 003 (INDIA)
Ph.: (+91)(11) 24645134 / 24644974
E-mail: namstct@gmail.com
Sunday, May 11, 2008
New Delhi May 8, 2008 Union Urban Development Minister S. Jaipal Reddy today urged the construction industry to focus on futuristic ‘Safe and smart’ high rise buildings as need for construction of high rise buildings in metro cities will increase due to soaring land prices and growing global trend for accommodating various activities under one roof.
Minister while inaugurating the three day National seminar on ‘Recent Trends in High Rise Buildings’ organised by the Indian Builders Congress (IBC) said “ the construction industry should use latest green technologies, including environment friendly building materials, high tech sensors for conserving energy and water, and water recycling and ample parking and open spaces while construction of safe and smart high rise buildings”.
“High rise buildings for residential purposes is being seen as a major answer to urban housing problem not only in four metropolitan cities but also in other cities like Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar, Agra and Jaipur. But how far this is tenable, in the context of conditions prevailing in our country must be studied in depth before adopting high rise buildings” Mr Reddy said .
“ For structural and social safety in high rise buildings as well as providing essential services such as lifts, elevators, fire safety devices, the initial investment of capital is very high followed by heavy recurring costs for maintenance. The building experts should find ways and means to reduce both the construction as well as maintenance cost in high rise buildings” the minister added.
"Migration of the people to the Urban Areas is on constant increase due to enhanced employment opportunities . This has resulted in increase in land cost and desire of the people to reside near the heart of towns are some of the various factors which have given rise to construction of high-rise buildings. High rise development has come in vogue not only in mega cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai but also in large towns like Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar, Bangalore and Hyderabad" said Mr M Ramachandran, Secretary, Urban Dvelopment, whichle speaking on the occasion.
“About 400 consulting engineers, architects, developers, project managers from the public sector as well as private firms from the construction industry Professionals of Government Departments, Housing Boards, Development Authorities, State PWDs Teaching and Trainings Institutes are taking parting the three day seminar to discuss the design, construction and maintenance of high rise buildings” said Mr K.K.Kapila, President, Indian Builders Congress .
" The delegates attending the seminar will be discussing the latest design and construction technologies of high-rise buildings which is very complicated the common services such as electric supply, water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, fire fighting etc have also to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.’Mr kapila said
New Delhi May 8, 2008 Union Urban Development Minister S. Jaipal Reddy today urged the construction industry to focus on futuristic ‘Safe and smart’ high rise buildings as need for construction of high rise buildings in metro cities will increase due to soaring land prices and growing global trend for accommodating various activities under one roof.
Minister while inaugurating the three day National seminar on ‘Recent Trends in High Rise Buildings’ organised by the Indian Builders Congress (IBC) said “ the construction industry should use latest green technologies, including environment friendly building materials, high tech sensors for conserving energy and water, and water recycling and ample parking and open spaces while construction of safe and smart high rise buildings”.
“High rise buildings for residential purposes is being seen as a major answer to urban housing problem not only in four metropolitan cities but also in other cities like Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar, Agra and Jaipur. But how far this is tenable, in the context of conditions prevailing in our country must be studied in depth before adopting high rise buildings” Mr Reddy said .
“ For structural and social safety in high rise buildings as well as providing essential services such as lifts, elevators, fire safety devices, the initial investment of capital is very high followed by heavy recurring costs for maintenance. The building experts should find ways and means to reduce both the construction as well as maintenance cost in high rise buildings” the minister added.
"Migration of the people to the Urban Areas is on constant increase due to enhanced employment opportunities . This has resulted in increase in land cost and desire of the people to reside near the heart of towns are some of the various factors which have given rise to construction of high-rise buildings. High rise development has come in vogue not only in mega cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai but also in large towns like Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar, Bangalore and Hyderabad" said Mr M Ramachandran, Secretary, Urban Dvelopment, whichle speaking on the occasion.
“About 400 consulting engineers, architects, developers, project managers from the public sector as well as private firms from the construction industry Professionals of Government Departments, Housing Boards, Development Authorities, State PWDs Teaching and Trainings Institutes are taking parting the three day seminar to discuss the design, construction and maintenance of high rise buildings” said Mr K.K.Kapila, President, Indian Builders Congress .
" The delegates attending the seminar will be discussing the latest design and construction technologies of high-rise buildings which is very complicated the common services such as electric supply, water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, fire fighting etc have also to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.’Mr kapila said
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